[tecni.art] Flex Waves for textured beach waves

Professional texturizing salt spray for tousled beach waves style.


Professional texturizing salt spray for tousled beach waves style, 190ml.
Concentrated with fiber reshapers, this salt water spray allows for flexible construction.


Textured waves with matte finish.

How to

Spray on dry hair and work with fingers or spray on damp hair before using heating tools, to create textured waves with matte effect.
Brush curls with your fingers and rub the ends for a tousled result.

Ingredients & Safety Warning

For more information, please refer to our group website: Inside our products.

This ingredients list is subject to change and depends on country location selling. Consumers should refer to the product packaging for the most relevant ingredients list. In case of problem, please contact the consumer care center.



Flex range.

Get flexible hairstyles.


Co-developed with pros.

Co-designed with pros to be more ergonomic and more eco-responsible.