[tecni.art] Flex Web styling paste
Professional styling paste for structured or tousled look and defined strands.
L’Oréal Professionnel Tecni.ART Web 150ml is a professional styling paste for structured or tousled look and defined strands. Concentrated with fiber reshapers this sculpting texture paste allows for flexible reconstruction with a natural shine finish.
Structured or tousled look, defined strands, natural shiny finish.
How to
On dry hair. Rub a nut-sized amount between the palm of the hands. Pull hands apart to stretch out fibers. Run through hair to add texture and build movement.
Ingredients & Safety Warning
For more information, please refer to our group website: Inside our products.
This ingredients list is subject to change and depends on country location selling. Consumers should refer to the product packaging for the most relevant ingredients list. In case of problem, please contact the consumer care center.